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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Peanut butter Spongecake

My 2nd bake using DIY recipe. Nice cake with some peanut crunches in between the bite.

- 250g spongecake mix (I got from PhoonHuat)
- 5 eggs
- 50 ml water
- 50 ml oil
- 2 tablespoons of peanut butter (I got the chunky one)

1) Place spongecake mix, eggs and water together in a container and beat at high speed for 10 mins (I usually beat unit very light yellow less than 10 mins, I suppose depend on machine)
2) Add in oil and peanut butter
3) Beat at medium speed for 3 mins
4) Pour mixture into the pan
5) Ready to bake 1st the bottom then flip to bake the top (I tried 7-8 mins for bottom and top 6 mins, varies the cooking time according to your stove fire size. Mine on small-medium fire size)

*REMEMBER to move your HCP middle, left and right at the interval while baking to get an even colour. I did 3 mins centre, left 2 mins and right 2 mins.

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